NightLase® – Snoring and Apnea Treatment

What is NightLase® Snoring and Apnea Treatment?

NightLase® Treatment is a patented, fast, non-invasive and friendly way of increasing the quality of a patient’s sleep. NightLase® lessens the effects of sleep apnea and decreases the amplitude of snoring through the use of gentle, superficial Er:YAG laser light. No anesthesia is used in this treatment.

How does NightLase® Treatment work?

During NightLase® treatment laser light heats the tissue, causing tightening of the tissue which leads to an attenuation of the sound of the patients snoring and a lessening of the effects of sleep apnea.
The procedure is performed in two simple steps:


The laser light preheats the tissue.


Laser light strengthens the tissue. A full course of NightLase® treatment is comprised of three separate treatment sessions over a six week period. The final result of the treatment has been shown to last up to a year. When the patients or their loved ones notice the effects erroding, another round of treatment can be performed.

A full course of NightLase® treatment is comprised of three separate treatment sessions over a six week period. The final result of the treatment has been shown to last up to a year. When the patients or their loved ones notice the effects erroding, another round of treatment can be performed.

Benefits of NightLase® laser treatment:

  • Non-invasive
  • Increases the quality of a patient’s sleep
  • Extremely easy for any doctor or dentist to perform
  • Lessen the effects of snoring and sleep apnea
  • Safe and patient-friendly treatment

Simple and virtually painless

NightLase® is easy for any doctor or dentist to perform and has an extremely high success rate in producing a positive change in sleep patterns. Research has shown that NightLase® reduces and attenuates snoring and provides an effective, non-invasive way to lessen the effects of sleep apnea. NightLase® requires no device to be worn during sleep, involves no chemical treatment, and no anesthesia. It is a gentle and easy way for the patient and their loved ones to regain a good night’s rest.

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