Up to 96% of adults experience bad breath or halitosis at some point in their lives. People who suffer from bad breath often only become aware of their condition when others mention it to them or begin to avoid them.
What causes bad breath?
The oral cavity’s warm and moist conditions provide an ideal environment for the growth of millions of bacteria, particularly on the tongue. In most people, these bacteria are the main cause of bad breath.
However, not all causes of bad breath are related to health problems. For example, morning breath occurs due to decreased saliva secretion at night during sleep. The flushing of food particles and dead cells that remain in the oral cavity and serve as a food source for bacteria is therefore reduced. The bacteria produced during the decomposition of these cells release byproducts that can have an unpleasant odor.
Other causes of bad breath include:
The food we have consumed. This can be avoided by eliminating certain foods and drinks (e.g. garlic, onions, coffee, fatty foods, cigarettes, alcohol).
When we skip meals, bad breath can occur due to hunger or lack of food and fluids. This can be prevented by eating regularly.
Lack of fluid can also cause of bad breath. It can be eliminated with regular water intake.
Bad breath is also caused by poor oral hygiene, or inadequate and irregular brushing and flossing, as this causes food residues to accumulate in the oral cavity, which are then broken down by bacteria. This can be prevented by practicing regular and thorough oral hygiene.
Among the causes of bad breath due to health problems are infections in the oral cavity, periodontal disease, and respiratory tract infections such as inflammation of the throat, sinuses, or lungs.
Dry mouth (xerostomia) can be caused by a variety of factors including diseases of the salivary glands, various medications, head irradiation, and even mouth breathing. Dry mouth can be alleviated by drinking water frequently. Additionally, there are saliva substitutes available on the market that can aid in improving the condition.
However, identifying the root cause of your mouth breathing and addressing it is crucial to improve your condition. An ear, nose, and throat (ENT) specialist can assist you in doing this.
Systemic diseases such as diabetes, liver and kidney diseases, and reflux disease of the esophagus can also cause bad breath.
Another issues that can potential cause bad breath is hormonal changes. Some women may experience bad breath at the start of their period due to an increase in estrogen levels. This is especially true for women with painful periods (dysmenorrhea). Due to the increased level of estrogen, there is a higher shedding of epithelial cells, including the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, providing more food for bacteria.
Finally, stress also affects bad breath.
There are several things you can do on your own to achieve fresher breath:
- Avoid foods with a strong smell, such as garlic, onion, and spices.
- Avoid bad habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol.
- Have regular meals.
- Enjoy a rich breakfast and plenty of fruit.
- Brush your teeth twice a day.
- Use antibacterial toothpaste (e.g. Curasept ADS).
- Clean all interdental spaces using dental floss or other interdental cleaning tools as instructed by your hygienist.
- Use a tongue scraper to remove bacteria from your tongue.
- Use mouthwash with an antibacterial effect (Curasept).
- Chewing sugar-free gum will help keep your mouth as moist as possible.
- Drink enough water.
- Remove the dental prosthesis at night and store it in a cleaning solution.
- Make regular appointments with your dentist and dental hygienist.