
mag. Marko Miljavec, dr. dent. med.

In 2001, Marko Miljavec obtained a degree in dental medicine at the Faculty of Medicine in Ljubljana. In 2009, under the mentorship of prof. dr. Nataša Ihan-Hren, he graduated from the Faculty of Medicine in Ljubljana and obtained the title of Master of Sciences. In 2008, they published an article together in the International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery entitled Spontaneous Bone Healing of Large Bone Defects in the Mandible. A year before that, he opened a private practice, which he is still running today.
He is an advocate of learning new procedures and techniques, and therefore places great emphasis on continuous education.

My goal is to help you achieve and maintain the best possible oral health.

His priority at work is your well-being. Regardless of the type of the procedure (whether it’s plaque removal or extensive cosmetic care), his warm, soothing and personal approach will help your dentist’s visit be a pleasant experience. He is a perfectionist at heart and therefore very precise in his work. His goal is to help you achieve and maintain the best possible oral health. His motto is: A satisfied patient outweighs all the effort and work.


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