Baby teeth eruption

The eruption of baby teeth (i.e. teething) is a significant milestone in a child’s development, as it enables them to chew and speak properly. They are also crucial for the proper development of the child’s jaw and permanent teeth. 

Due to the unique nature of every child’s development, it is challenging to predict precisely when they will begin teething. The development of primary teeth begins during pregnancy, and the teeth generally begin to appear between the ages of five months and two and a half years, varying from child to child. 

Typically, the lower central incisors are the first to emerge, usually between the ages of five and seven months, followed by the upper central incisors which generally appear between six and eight months of age. The lower lateral incisors are the next to emerge, usually between the ages of nine and eleven months, followed by the upper lateral incisors at around one year of age. Between the 12th and 16th months, the first molars appear, and between the 16th and 20th months, the canines appear. The second molars typically emerge between the child’s 20th and 30th month of age.

Until the child’s second year of age, a general rule of thumb is that the number of teeth in their mouth is approximately equal to their age in months minus six. It is completely normal for there to be some deviation from this rule for up to three months. 

Signs of teething

Teething can be a discomforting experience for a child. Just prior to the tooth erupting, the baby’s gums can become swollen and tender to the touch. To ease the pain and discomfort, babies often resort to biting their fingers or other objects, and may also drool more than usual. They may also chew on their lips and on objects they come into contact with. During teething, infants can become more irritable, have restless sleep and cry more often, especially at night. 

It is possible for the infant to experience additional symptoms during teething, such as diarrhea, cough, ear pulling, rashes, convulsions, and fever. These symptoms may not be related to teething but can be the result of minor inflammations in the gastrointestinal tract due to the introduction of foreign objects into the mouth, and may actually be a sign of the child’s developing immune system.

Alleviating teething pain

Rubber toys, such as teething rings, can be particularly helpful for relieving the discomfort of teething in children. When choosing products to relieve teething pain, it’s important to select items specifically designed for this purpose, and that are safe and easy to clean. After the child finishes using the rubber toys, clean them and store them in the refrigerator. Cooling the objects can provide additional relief to the child’s gums. 

If the teething discomfort persists, you can also apply a gel containing lidocaine (such as Calgel) to the child’s gums to help alleviate the pain. In severe cases, a sugar-free pain reliever containing paracetamol (such as Calpol) may also be given to the child.


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