Root canal treatment – Endodontics

Beneath the enamel and dentin, which comprise the surface of the tooth, there is a hollow pulp space that extends into the root of the tooth. The pulp space located in the tooth’s crown is known as the pulp chamber, while the space extending into the root of the tooth is referred to as the root canal. The pulp space is filled with tissue commonly referred to as (dental) pulp, which comprises blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissue.
Endodontic or root canal treatment is typically recommended when pulp inflammation (pulpitis), necrosis or apical periodontitis, i.e. inflammation in the jaw bone below the root of the affected tooth, occur.
Inflammation is caused by tooth decay and various dental injuries. If left untreated, the affected teeth may darken and you may start experiencing pain when chewing, as well as changes in appearance or speech. In more extreme cases, it can lead to an abscess, i.e. a collection of pus within the tissue, or even a severe toothache.
It’s important to note that even if you’re not experiencing any issues at the moment, bacteria may still be present in the dental canal, which can lead to inflammation in the surrounding or even distant tissues. In fact, apical periodontitis has been linked to a range of health issues, such as heart valve inflammation, inflammation around implants (such as artificial hip or knee), premature birth, and hair loss.

How is an endodontic procedure performed?

Endodontic treatment involves removing inflamed or dead pulp tissue from the tooth and filling the resulting empty spaces to prevent a new bacterial infection.
A rubber dam is used to isolate the affected tooth, which not only minimizes its further exposure to bacteria but also prevents any materials, instruments, or liquids used during the procedure from being inhaled or swallowed by the patient.
The dentist will use a drill to remove any carious tissue and access the pulp chamber.
The infected dental pulp is then removed using specialized endodontic instruments, and the pulp space is thoroughly cleaned and disinfected using an ultrasound device, laser, and disinfectant liquids. Lastly, the empty space is filled.
After the endodontic procedure, the aesthetics and function of the tooth are restored with a prosthesis.

Why choose us?

At Dentavital Oral Health Centre, endodontic treatment is carried out using:

  • A microscope that increases the field of view and improves illumination
  • Systems for mechanical expansion of canals, which follow the root canal better than traditional instruments
  • Hard tissue laser and ultrasound, which improve the effectiveness of disinfectants.

All the listed tools allow us to carry out the individual steps of endodontic therapy as accurately as possible. With these tools, the success rate of endodontic treatment is significantly increased compared to the traditional approach.
Let’s make your smile healthy and happy together!

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